I would rather exercise than read a newspaper.

News publishers here're some points to be noted..

1. For the last few weeks I've got "breaking news" about Endeavour's launch being delayed. The first day it was interesting, the second 'again?' and the third day it was like, alrighty enough. This is the 18th straight day you have updated my google news page with yet another delay about the launch. Here's the tip, we (your readers) will assume it is delayed indefinitely, till you actually update us telling us otherwise. Deal?

2. Its recession time, people lose jobs and everyone is aware of it. People[me included] are bugged reading yet another "well researched" report on why the stocks are tumbling, and how savings are becoming half.

3. Lets face it, bing is another search engine, yay. 400 reports on your site to tell me how bing is taking share away from google and yahoo just show you are on M$'s payroll. Henceforth, I refuse to google using bing.

4. I am not sure how you classify "Technology", but getting this [Cats Use "Irresistible" Purr-Whine to Get Their Way] news link in my technology RSS feed shows me either you are desperate to get whiny readers who own pussies or you need to fire your software engineer. Hey this way you can save the mandatory layoff money.

5. Less than 100 people are affected by swine flu, deal with it. If you aren't aware, more people have aids, some 100,000 times more. And more have cardiac problems. Keep things in perspective.

6. Before you advise me on stocks, whether to buy/long or sell/put, please disclose your/your company assets and stock holdings. A few pieces I've read have asked me to buy "hot" stocks. Many of which were smaller holdings of your parent company. Caught you.

7. Enough with the iPhone articles already. It's been 3 years already, and you people are still obsessing over "copy and paste". And wait, the compass. I have an iPhone and I haven't had one decent phone cal since. Portable hand held touch screen computer, yes, cell phone, no!

8. Twitter is stupid. And it isn't news (definitely not worthy of my 2 minutes to see and delete the link on my RSS feed) when a new celebrity starts twittering.

9. Stop obsessing over privacy issues, this is the 10th article this week about how my privacy is compromised if I eventually use Chrome OS. If you are that paranoid that google with use your browsing habits to take over the world, then please, google using bing. I rather see relevant ads than those that want to increase my "size".

10. Alright, enough with the teachers with students bit, that was so 2007. Jeez.


Ree said...

lol, i like this. if nuthin, it will give the eds on the edit page a hearty laugh. send it.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you 'bout the iPhone hype. Seriously, its over-rated!!

Hey, how 'bout trading your iPhone with my Nokia 6080?? :P

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