Life is 5% what you make it and 95% how you take it.

Have you ever thought that life was unfair? Like the way that you never get what you want … or the way that you can’t seem to figure out where you’re heading in life… and everyone around you has their future laid out for them… Did it ever happen to you that everyone around you were discussing their 50th birthday party plans, or deciding which continent to go for a vacation, and you were still trying to figure what to wear the next day...or where you’ll eat ( Food is very important you see, and it wont hurt if u went fully dressed to a restaurant , research shows that the service improves by 36.8% if you are wearing clothes )

How many of you stay up all night long thinking what or where you’ll be 5 years from now… will u be with someone, or will u be facing the cruel world all alone… Does loneliness scare you so much so, that you pick up the phone at 3 in the morning to call your better half just to say ‘I love you’…

Its been said that you make your own future…someone please tell me, how do I go about it? How do I start? Is there a magazine, a book or something…”The Dummies guide to making your own future” someone write it.. its gonna be a best seller, take my word for it. Hey maybe I’ll write it one day… yeah I can be a writer… great.. that was easy!! Or maybe I’ll be a astronaut… they pay you really well ya know… but I don’t get it.. why would anyone leave everything behind and go somewhere .. don’t know when you’ll be back, or if you will..
Many of my friends and colleagues plan to go abroad, study and settle there.. I still don’t know why people have to though?? I mean… I really don’t think I can leave 2 decades of my life behind and start all over again… Probably never see the friends you grew up with again… never see your first crush again…never see your loved one… cant even look at the moon and think “miles apart and yet we gaze at the same thing”… Wait a minute!!! Sorry the moon thing you still can do I guess…
But after all that. Then what?? After all life’s a terminal disease…Wish I could live like I was 18..maybe 20 for the rest of my life.. I really don’t want to 60 thinking… if…only if!!

So here’s me… yet another 3 am… still thinking, guess I’m going to wear jeans tomorrow… and yes, I am eating Italian for sure… there Decided!! .. Yeah… think I’ll be a fighter pilot…astronaut still sounds good…maybe join the FBI… hey I can be a captain of a ship…yeah a captain of my ship!!!


SmartOxymoron said...

There's an article with some depth. Good one cap'n.

Golden Words said...

Thanks Sailor... What u been upto.. any updates on ur blog?

Golden Words said...

Think i'll do just that :-)