I don't care who you are, Fatso. Get the reindeer off my roof !

Today, after a spell of about a fortnight, I finally mustered the courage to do something I’ve been putting off for a really long time now…So I removed my shoes and my heavy clothing…and took that final step… here I was…all alone…standing on my weighing scale… after a lot of circulations of the analog scale, in a span of time which seemed like eternity… it finally came to rest…I slowly opened my eyes… a chill ran down my spine… No today wasn’t that day… it wasn’t the day when I cross the 200 pound mark! No not today…
So in my glory of happiness I stepped down…as though I was stepping down from the top step of the podium when my F1 car finishes first… the same feeling a Toyota Car Feels lapping a Ferrari…As you would have figured I watched the race this weekend… being a Ferrari fan myself it was pretty bad I must say... but on the brighter side, hey some new faces on the podium, some different names up on the top list… I already love this season…
So I got down from my moment frozen in time… for the first time gravity didn’t dampen my spirits… and here I was wondering how to celebrate… when the call came “Dinner is ready”… I knew what had to be done…”No. I am not hungry”… I think all the cells in my stomach which require energy for existence screamed in unison… cause I could hear this loud sound… have u ever heard a volcano erupt? After a lot of convincing myself that food wasn’t that necessary for life ( hey!! compare it to oxygen )… and about a gallon of water…the brain had spoken… it will help me in the long run…After an eternity of dieting ( 24 hours to be exact ) … I hadn’t lost anything… I heard that would happen…but still…
So around two in the morning I went to my kitchen … got me some biscuits…kept them in front of me… Still debating … the pro’s and cons…
The pro’s of loosing a ton of weight are plentiful… think about it… have u seen an overweight dude, get a model as a wife?? Well unless you’re rich..really rich.. Trump’s lucky that way… Since I am not rich! Well that leaves me with no choice, now, does it…
Another advantage is that fat people are hard to kidnap… haven’t u noticed??
The con’s of loosing weight aren’t much… unless there’s a time when fat is beautiful… there might be a time soon… but before that I am sure we will have the ‘bald is beautiful’ stage… that should be fun don’t ya think?
So after long hungry hours… sitting and staring at my stomach…wondering if it had gone in by an inch or so… I knew something had to be done…So here’s my advice to all you people out there… if you’re on a diet and can’t keep your mind off grub… then I suggest blogging is the best remedy… I haven’t thought about food for the entire duration I’ve been writing this post…( hey G.W!! Isn't the post about food )
So here I was all done with the post just about to publish it, sitting in front of an empty packet of biscuits… god!! I wonder who ate them


SmartOxymoron said...

Fat people are hard to kidnap? Lol, I never tried but I'll remember that just in case. Good observation.
And hey, food is the most important four letter word in the dictionary. Hell, its the most important _any_ letter word in the dictionary.
Eat, laugh and merry.
Merry rhymes heavy,
But dont worry...
If life's a cake,
Food's the cherry!

Golden Words said...

u said it man... u said it...

~ ॐ ~ said...

Beautiful... though I had to read the post twice over to really understand it... and i think finally i did :)

Hey good luck with your tummy and weight... i would not say both of us are in the same boat.. coz that will drown/collapse the boat... hehehehehe..

Anyway.. have fun...eating !!!

Golden Words said...

Oh hell with the diet... went to subway... had god knows how many extra toppings put on...certainly need a long...long workout today!

Golden Words said...

tell me about it!! anyway.. my diets off.. my doctor says i should stick to three proper meals a day.. so thats exactly what i'm going to do!

Golden Words said...

though i will politely refrain from saying how i know it etc..
What are you scared of? I dont know you, if i met u before, u didnt make an impression enough for me to remember... if i never met u? then how do u claim u "know" me?