Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you're in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get.

People often ask me (ok, maybe not “often”) what I think the secret of life is. My reply as usual is in a short two word sentence, “Who cares”.

After a stern look they reply ‘I care’ and I’m back putting on my thinking cap wondering what they want to hear from me.

They generally ask when a boyfriend becomes an ex, or the expiry date on the milk carton shows that of last week. Expecting somehow, that I have been the chosen one to carry the secret of life along and that I am ready to share the secret with their dumped ass confused soul.
And here I was with my recent kiss with death (hmmm, smooch sounds more like it..) asking the same questions to myself. What is the secret of life?

Well, as the status message on my chat client reads ‘don’t worry about life, you’d be lucky to get out of it alive’ (ok, i lied again, i don't have cheezy status messages like that. All my status msgs are pimped to send viewers to my new websites) , I suppose that’s the bottom life, relax, take it easy and you’ll do just fine. Guess don’t let work affect your personal life comes a close second in the secret of life. A close second only to, at least have a personal life.
Till recently I was always worried about money and I soon realized, remembering the age old song, we’ve come to this world empty handed and we are gonna leave that way.

Donald Trump might beg to differ being buried with a $10,000 Armani suit and a Rolex watch and a few hundred dollar bills in each hand.  But I suppose he’s smart enough to remember Egyptians and grave robbers. If he doesn’t, well, show me where he’s resting in peace.

In the end, just remember, there is no secret to life, it becomes just what you plan to make of it. Though more often than not, that plan does not work out, but I won’t go into that now, there are a million self help books out there.
But people are not willing to believe that there’s no secret so in order to keep them satisfied with answers, I just repeat, taking a line from peanuts.

The secret to life is owning a convertible and a lake.
When it rains you are pissed that you can’t drive the car, but hey at least your lake is filling up. And when the sun is out shining brightly and drying your lake up, you see the silver lining and take your convertible out for a spin…


Nirmal said...

a convertible and a lake....

spoken a like a pro..!

Anonymous said...

a professional plagiarist you mean huh?

convertible and a lake story comes from the comic strip peanuts.
That doest stop me from believing it though.