Proficiency at Pool depicts a wasted childhood.

Or that’s what every one of my dad’s friends used to say to me when I used to beat them 5 frames in a row, I often wanted to say “Lucky for me, I was good when I was a child as well”… This generally used to make me think, elders are such sore losers. They just couldn’t take the fact that a kid beat them. Let alone clobber them left right and upside down. The only thing worse than losing to a kid is losing to a kid and tripping over the bottle of beer and ending up screaming ‘This isn’t over’ while the wife takes you away to the rest room to wash the bleeding nose.

“Maybe I can beat the brat at Chess” he says, “ I mean how smart can he be” .

“Would you just let it go, now look up else you will spoil your new shirt with blood stains”

You wouldn’t know how much fun it is beating a drunk at a game of chess. And little did he know that I was junior school champ at chess. Well it wasn’t a formal event, people just started calling me that when I beat my 7th grade math teacher 3 times in a row. And she claimed to be a “State Champion”. Suddenly the day after the ‘defeat’ she took maternity leave. And although she was fat, I couldn’t have sworn she wasn’t pregnant.

More than the joy of winning is the fun at recollecting the excuses people come up with after losing to a kid,

“ I had something on my mind” “Hey, you cheated” “I wasn’t wearing my glasses” “No one makes money winning a stupid game of chess” “I couldn’t see the ball” “Its getting dark” “I think you should spend more time studying” “I let you win”

“hey” says the wife “how’s the game going, you guys done?”

“yes honey, can we have lunch yet, or are you going to nag us with your questions, what do you know about snooker anyway”

“Okay ok, I get it,” she says with a wink towards me “who lost? “

Its me ok, I lost, happy, now bring out the damn grub”

Its I” I corrected.

Big mistake, I stopped playing with ‘elders’ after one such conversation

I Love Formatting My Comp - The Book, is currently on hold till i get things straightened out and till more interesting things happen in my boring life.


ThePoorGook said...

there you are being your usual self effacing modest self:)

Sushma said...

That's the longest you've prolly stayed out of blogger! Also, I thing a cartoon of some sorts would look good with this post, whatsay?

Nevertheless, good one to restart with. Keep it going! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love blowing your own trumpet? :p

Anonymous said...

When you've got it, flaunt it.

@sushma - i would use a certain cartoon had the cartoonist not drawn the pool table as a trapezoid.

Anonymous said...

@ the tamil entertainment guy, F#$# off bitch.


Utopia said...

you started blogging again :).darn the tamil entertainment guy is too funny heheeh!