He wakes up in the hospital after a long night; unconscious, breathless, with tubes and needles covering him. He wakes up not knowing what happened, not knowing what lies in store for him. All he can see is her beautiful face, all he can feel is the warmth of her touch. His life ended the previous night, but a new one started this very day. A one starting with her and he only has her to thank for it.
I am not a good writer, so I’ll just steal lines from great ones. George Bernard Shaw once said “There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.”
I had a tragedy, I had what I wanted and was going to lose it, in a matter of a breath; it’s absence. We all think about our final day in this world, what people would say about us. What they would feel after we’re gone. Would it matter to anyone? How many people have you touched on this planet, how many have you moved? Who touched you?
It’s funny how you remember the most silliest of things, and in a strange way, I guess that’s what matters. The way the cute girl from your fourth grade shared her lunch with you after the bullies put sand in yours or the way you find that secret letter written to you by the nerdy boy you like who didn’t have the courage to give it to you.
Life is full of surprises, some good and many you could live without: but that’s what life is, a rollercoaster you ride just once, never know what’s around that corner, but you are over excited and screaming to see and feel it. Sometimes you do get sick, sick of the ride and tired of that uneasiness in your stomach; and you just want to get off. But the truth is, you started this ride with many people on board and you are going to get off with them, together, like it or not. And that’s what keeps many going I guess, the fact that we are all in this together.
He holds her close, looks deep in her eyes filled with tears. He wants to say he’ll be there for her no matter what, no matter how nauseating the ride makes them. They paid for it, they are going to finish it together, with each other. He just stays quiet, looks deeper into her eyes, holds her hands and continue this rollercoaster ride…
If I would have ever got a chance to talk to George Bernard Shaw, I would correct him and tell him, the two real tragedies in life are people giving up on their hearts desires and people not knowing them.
I’m not a great writer, I just copy lines...
There are two tragedies in life, one is not knowing your hearts desires and the other is giving up on them.