Yeah I started working on the 8th of this month, not so much as work as eating and drinking on the campus, well here’s how my daily routine goes ( warning, contains a lot of eating , so people on a diet, I suggest u click on one of the ‘blogs I read’ link and continue there, but for the brave heart and grumbling stomach, here goes )
6:00 Am – ( Rrrrrriiiinnngg , tring tring ) My alarm clock and my mobile go off simultaneously (not a mere coincidence I may add, I just set it that way) , my hand has accustomed to the swift motion of switching the knob of my alarm to off while that of my mobile to snooze, in less than a hundredth of a second…
6:40 Am – My poor faithful cell phone keeps reminding me to get up from my lazy butt, but the hand is faster…
6:45 Am – Finally my sweet ol doggie ( please don’t mistake words like doggie to mean small, she’s a huge great dane ) after her tiring morning walk starts her process of waking up the neighbors and their dog, and it inadvertently wakes me up too..
6:50 Am – I take the long walk upstairs to my room, I generally end up sleeping downstairs cause that’s where the TV is.
6:54 Am – Yes I am finally upstairs ( 4 min u think eh!!! U try and climb 18 stairs early morning ) , switch on my computer and on comes winamp.
7:00 Am – I start brushing, it generally takes a lot of time, mostly cause the brush doubles as my mike. And there's the daily mail check too.
8:00 Am – After a lot of hassles and major decisions like which pant goes with which shirt, or which hair gel with which perfume, I am finally ready.
8:08 Am – I put my head gear ( my mp3 player’s headphones and helmet ) and head to office it generally takes around half an hour with decent traffic. But yes I am in the process of finding the optimum route and time to start to reach just 2 min before break-fast is served in office.
8:39 Am – Just in the nick of time, the office canteen timings for breakfast are 8:20-8:45, so I generally end up hurrying through the long lawn and swipe in my card ( I have to put in 46 hours of work weekly )… I mean come on, I wont eat b-f there on ‘my’ time, now would I?
9:00 Am – After a relatively light breakfast ( generally 3 courses in my office ) and nice coffee, I am at my desk.. I switch on the computer and wait for it to boot up.
9:08 Am – Finally I press ctrl-alt-del to log on, and first thing, go to the intranet and check the menu for the day. Then I check my mail, lots of rubbish, project manager sends his specifications .blah blah… nothing cool ..
9:45 Am – Its hard work trying to look busy, but where in all I’m doing is opening a lot of programs and pressing alt-tab whenever someone walks by.
10:00 Am – I get a mail/sms from a colleague to come for coffee, its just a few meters away, a huge coffee vending machine… you have about 10 different coffee and tea options…
10:50 Am – Loads of kick from caffeine and a lots of gossip and its back to alt-tab, someone mails letting the ‘freshers’ know about some 1hr talk on some thing we couldn’t care less about, but as the manager says, its mandatory to attend, we all find our sorry asses at the designated room
12:15 Pm – That moron took longer than was speculated, so he got a bad feedback..
12: 20 Pm – Its back at the canteen, this time for a full fledged 4 course buffet meal, generally seating is hard to find so one generally ends up sitting not where one wanted to, for example I found myself sitting with senior executives who were discussing about a project I was apparently a part of, and I couldn’t relate to a word being said..
12:45 Pm – Lunch gets over pretty quick, and since there is a 2 hour lunch-break window, all of us find ourselves right across the street in the biggest shopping mall in the city..
[The author realizes that here onwards a sudden switch from first person to third person mode has taken place for no apparent reason, and since the lazy son-o-a-b that the author is, it wouldn’t be changed]
1:30 Pm – Back at the desk, its time for mail checking and hoping the person you’ve been eying for the entire week has replied to your mails, the excitement is endless, and when you find out you have received a mail from your project leader to attend another lecture.. one just wants to cry.
1:45 Pm – Seated at the conference room ( they don’t use the word classroom ) wondering what next, you hear the voice you so badly wanted to hear, ”sorry couldn’t reply, just saw your mail, figured you’d be here… is this seat taken …”
Of course it wasn’t , and a few messages (sms) go out to your colleagues (who were supposed to be seated there) that if they come near you, they would die!!!
3:00 Pm – It’s the official coffee break, where the waiters serve you coffee/tea and biscuits sometime cakes,
4:00 Pm – Lecture is still on, but you don’t mind, you’ve got great company… and mistakenly you forget your writing instrument and have to share it with 'the someone' sitting next to you, only hoping that it doesn’t fall out of the pocket where you hid it..
5:30 Pm – Its snack time at office, everyday a different menu, sometimes apple pie , sometimes plum cakes, or cookies .. We all love it anyway…
6:15 Pm – After the shutdown of the computer, its time to head home, with the headgear back at its place it’s a 45 min dash home,
7:00 Pm – A quick change into shorts and sports shoes.. its back on the roads again… this time to play badminton, ripping through traffic, only to realize that all courts are busy anyway..
patiently waiting for my turn…
10:00 Pm – The court in-charge has to literally drag us outside cause its time to close up…
10:15 Pm – On the road with smartoxymoron, deciding its coffee day (but usually a mix of bakeries, coffee places and ‘chat’vendors) this time..
10:35 Pm – Coffee finally served..glup it down…
11:00 Pm – Reach home, tired, mom realizes how tired I look, and fixes a great meal.. eat every last morsel of it..
11:15 Pm – Its TV time again..
6:00 Am - Rrrrrriiiinnngg , tring tring
For the inquisitive here’s how a general day’s menu looks like
Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it, anyway.
I started blogging not for reporting my daily activities, but to spread the word... to make people think outside the ‘box’… to make people realize that the best feeling one can get is not when one receive their pay checks on first of each month, but when they wake up early morning, living their dream... everyone has a dream... some just forget their goals.. or they live someone else’s!!
Choices are many, the safe choices are few… an engineering degree + a software job is the safest of them all… go early morning at 9 and come back at 6, for the rest of your life… many people don’t care, they get $ at the end of the day, and that’s all that drives many…then there is the arranged marriage at 25,26 to someone who is “fair” and “educated”… Kids at 28 and 31… and kids follow up.
What I don’t understand is why people are afraid to think big! Is it so hard to have a dream…what happened to the voice inside you.. what happened to the countless days gone by when u sat thinking … how cool would it be to be singing on stage with million fans screaming your name… what happened to the announcement you were planning to make… “please fasten your seatbelts, this is your captain here” … what happened to the million practices of “ I dedicate this award to my family…” what happened?.. Can you honestly tell me that you actually dreamt of a 9-5 job? Don’t tell me, I know the answer.. you don’t.. so tell yourself, ask yourself… go to a mirror somewhere close by, (and in case u aren’t in the vicinity of one, increase the brightness of your monitor till it starts reflecting)… and repeat after me… “I wanted a nine to five job” & “I am happy with my job” … repeat now closing your eyes… tough right?
Failure is a part of life.. some brave men say, failure is life… there are countless setbacks in each of our lives, but sitting and mourning about it wont help anyone’s causes..
Believe me there are practically no differences between you and people like Diana, Gandhi, Mother T, Mandela, or the heroes who laid their lifes for their countries..the only difference is that they had a dream, and had a passion...what is your passion?
Just don’t do something ‘cause your parents think u should do so, they just want best for their kids, and what do they now what drives you? Maybe hiking in the Himalayas , or river-rafting in ganges would be the best thing for you… but they don’t know it.. only you do.. having a roof above your head and food to eat are the bare essentials of life. ( clothes to wear doesn’t fit in, cause many “costumes” I see in clubs/parties can be made out of single handkerchiefs and they don’t cost a thing )
You cant blame anyone for your misfortunes, failures… you cant say u are this because ( insert parents/uncles/friends ) forced me to.. you are, what you allow yourself to become…
Take a risk, and by that I don’t mean put all your money on “rising moonshine” ( that was the winner of the Bangalore derby ( horse races ) sometime back . ) no one can stop you from doing something u love… probably the only person who can do so, is you… Just do something that you usually wouldn’t do on a Monday morning, maybe surf in the chilling waters of the ocean, maybe go-carting , maybe a new career… just do something, if not for yourself, at least do it for the person you were 10 years ago…maybe 20… when u used to dream.. when u used to imagine..
Many shirts i've seen say that ‘tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life’, do you believe that? Or is tomorrow just another day? Do you dare follow your passions… do you dare live a dream? Do you dare reach your destiny as it was meant to be? Do you dare believe that you can? Do you dare explore yourself? Do You?
Choices are many, the safe choices are few… an engineering degree + a software job is the safest of them all… go early morning at 9 and come back at 6, for the rest of your life… many people don’t care, they get $ at the end of the day, and that’s all that drives many…then there is the arranged marriage at 25,26 to someone who is “fair” and “educated”… Kids at 28 and 31… and kids follow up.
What I don’t understand is why people are afraid to think big! Is it so hard to have a dream…what happened to the voice inside you.. what happened to the countless days gone by when u sat thinking … how cool would it be to be singing on stage with million fans screaming your name… what happened to the announcement you were planning to make… “please fasten your seatbelts, this is your captain here” … what happened to the million practices of “ I dedicate this award to my family…” what happened?.. Can you honestly tell me that you actually dreamt of a 9-5 job? Don’t tell me, I know the answer.. you don’t.. so tell yourself, ask yourself… go to a mirror somewhere close by, (and in case u aren’t in the vicinity of one, increase the brightness of your monitor till it starts reflecting)… and repeat after me… “I wanted a nine to five job” & “I am happy with my job” … repeat now closing your eyes… tough right?
Failure is a part of life.. some brave men say, failure is life… there are countless setbacks in each of our lives, but sitting and mourning about it wont help anyone’s causes..
Everything happens for a reason, every event has a purpose and every setback its
lesson… failure, both professional and personal are essential for personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of rewards… never regret your
past, rather embrace it as the teacher that it is…
Believe me there are practically no differences between you and people like Diana, Gandhi, Mother T, Mandela, or the heroes who laid their lifes for their countries..the only difference is that they had a dream, and had a passion...what is your passion?
Just don’t do something ‘cause your parents think u should do so, they just want best for their kids, and what do they now what drives you? Maybe hiking in the Himalayas , or river-rafting in ganges would be the best thing for you… but they don’t know it.. only you do.. having a roof above your head and food to eat are the bare essentials of life. ( clothes to wear doesn’t fit in, cause many “costumes” I see in clubs/parties can be made out of single handkerchiefs and they don’t cost a thing )
You cant blame anyone for your misfortunes, failures… you cant say u are this because ( insert parents/uncles/friends ) forced me to.. you are, what you allow yourself to become…
Take a risk, and by that I don’t mean put all your money on “rising moonshine” ( that was the winner of the Bangalore derby ( horse races ) sometime back . ) no one can stop you from doing something u love… probably the only person who can do so, is you… Just do something that you usually wouldn’t do on a Monday morning, maybe surf in the chilling waters of the ocean, maybe go-carting , maybe a new career… just do something, if not for yourself, at least do it for the person you were 10 years ago…maybe 20… when u used to dream.. when u used to imagine..
Many shirts i've seen say that ‘tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life’, do you believe that? Or is tomorrow just another day? Do you dare follow your passions… do you dare live a dream? Do you dare reach your destiny as it was meant to be? Do you dare believe that you can? Do you dare explore yourself? Do You?
Saturday, July 16, 2005

In today's world, anyone who is not confused just isn't thinking straight.
I got placed here through college, i finally want to have a career in this field. i got an offer from here, though i rejected it... i got another offer from here, this time for a better post... i accepted it, but in the end i want to end up here. but for the timebeing i am working here, though these people think i will join training in august, and these people think i will work to complete the bond period...
Though i got an offer from here , which is quite related to this. i don't know what to do...i think i will wait and watch!!!
Oh lastly i work ( or atleast eat the canteen food, free. ) here.
Though i got an offer from here , which is quite related to this. i don't know what to do...i think i will wait and watch!!!
Oh lastly i work ( or atleast eat the canteen food, free. ) here.
Thursday, July 07, 2005

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